Updated on: June 14, 2024

Yes, blue Silver Fox rabbits give high-fives!

A blue Velveteen hides behind mommy

He took the Velveteen Rabbit with him, and before he wandered off to pick flowers, or play at brigands among the trees, he always made the Rabbit a little nest somewhere among the bracken, where he would be quite cosy, for he was a kind-hearted little boy and he liked Bunny to be comfortable.

“The Velveteen Rabbit” by Margery Williams, 1921



Going out of town for a vacation? Rabbits USA offers a reasonable boarding service of $5 per night or $30 per week. For details call 407.267.6977.  Central Florida only.



Come and hold and pet our friendly bunnies. They are eager to play and be held. If you are considering adopting a pure bred bunny, this is your chance for a “test drive.” We welcome you to come and get acquainted with potentially the BEST PET YOU’LL EVER HAVE!


Pure Breds on Display:

My apologies but listing specific dates is not working. Due to weather and other circumstances we need to change plans quickly, sorry if any of you came to see us and we weren’t there. Going forward if you want to see our bunnies in person just call that week to confirm,

My cell # is (407) 267-6977     -Ed Lowe



—> Volusia County Farmer’s Market

Volusia County Fairgrounds / Rt. 44 and I-4

—> Deep Creek Game Farm and Feed

412 S. County Rd. / Interlachen, Florida

—> Lake Helen

Lakeview Dr. x Ohio Ave. / Lake Helen, Florida



We made the cages to work INSIDE as well as OUTSIDE.


We will be selling gorgeous Silver Fox bunnies for $60
Current litters born in March

Breed litters available now or very soon:

STANDARD REX ~ early June
MINI PLUSH LOP (MPL) ~ late June or early July
MINI-REX ~ July or August
SILVER FOX ~ almost any time

STANDARD REX litter D.O.B. 04/27/2024
Available for re-homing: 06/08/2024
CONTACT Ed for info. on reservations

Rabbits USA is
the herd!

Along with SILVER FOX Rabbits, we will be added these breeds in 2024:
REX, MINI-REX, and MINI PLUS LOP. So expect a huge variety this summer and fall. We will also be posting more update photos and new litters are born. RESERVATIONS  can be made for specific bunnies shown.


As of March 1, we will sell bunnies and hutches by accepting your debit or credit cards.


We are experiencing a high demand for bunnies that currently surpasses our stock. One of our primary goals is to BRING JOY to people by providing healthy, happy, beautiful pet rabbits. We refer to them as “EMOTIONAL SUPPORT” animals. The rabbitry facility has room to house more rabbits so rescues can be healed or restored. Also other rabbitries or individuals with too many bunny litters can connect with us to sell the bunnies for them. If you know of any of these wonderful creatures out there please call Dr. Ed at (407) 267-6977.


There’s nothing better than hands-on experience. Children especially NEED to get away from their devices for awhile and actually DO THINGS! A trend is emerging where young families are raising rabbits as an educational project. Back in the day raising rabbits was called CUNICULTURE, but today is a lost art. With a few cages, a buck (male) rabbit, and one or two does (female), you can give your children the gift of bringing LIFE into the world. Contact us about how we can help you get started. A course is being developed to teach young people the responsibility of raising and caring for rabbits.

Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.

John Steinbeck

Dr. Ed Lowe
(407) 267-6977