Sowing is what we all do for all of our life… then we reap what we sowed. It seems to me this Van Gogh masterpiece of the Sower speaks through the centuries. We all agree that our selfishness can lead to loneliness, our greed can lead to gluttony, and our cowardice can lead to shame. But we also know our kindness can lead to friendship, our generosity can give others hope, and our courage can make a difference. A great man once wrote,
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone. Galatians 6
The painting of the Sower (Van Gogh’s title is “Sower With Setting Sun“), addresses a much wider theme than the obvious agricultural one. The student studies hard to get good grades and to prepare for a future career. The athlete works out so he can win. The actress practices so she can dazzle audiences. The musician spends tireless hours to be the best. Whatever we do, we reap what we sow.
I can apply this idea ad nauseam, but it is one of the truest things in life. There are exceptions, you know like, “Bad things can happen to good people,” and visa-versa. But it holds up most of the time. Actually, a sad example of that is Vincent van Gogh. It seems to me he got a bum rap in life. Some of it he may have brought on himself, and some historians think he suffered from mental illness, but it has always bothered me that he didn’t benefit in his short life from his great paintings. However, many of his family did.
18″ by 24″ acrylic on canvas oakwood in a natural Cedar frame #18-007
A smaller version original . . .
8″ x 10″ acrylic on canvas paper in wood frame with matte & glass #18-006
Here is my inspiration for these two paintings . . .
Van Gogh’s original painting is 25″ x 32″
ABOUT the artist, Ed Lowe . . . Text: 407.267.6977 KellGrace Salon / 110 S. Park Ave / Winter Park, FL 32789 Lowe Lowe2018-10-04 19:33:202020-08-17 23:41:32Sower With Sunset – We Reap What We Sow – After VvG